Next Event: MAY 17-ONLINE-IDFA Worldwide Challenge Online Natural Bodybuilding Championships



A bikini style suit of your choice, or a typical bikini or posing suit used in the other divisions: figure, fitness model, bikini.

NOTE: For this division we are very flexible to the type and coverage of the bikini or posing suit you choose to wear. However the suit must be tasteful and cover at least 25% of the glutes. You can wear a 1-piece or 2-piece bikini.

A bodybuilding posing suit, swim trunks, or board shorts are the desired attire.


BEFORE PHOTOS (jpeg format)
-There is no time frame for the Before Photo or Photos. Send in a photo or up to 3 photos that best represents your overall Transformation journey. So that is 1 to 3 Before Photos.

300 Word Story
You can send this in a Word Document or send it in the body of your email. Another option is for you or someone you choose can read your story on Video or in an Audio Recording. A Video of you or someone reading your story would be great. But don’t worry if that is something you are not comfortable with you can send in a word document or text in the email.

Send these requirements (Before Photo(s), After Photos and 300 Word Story) to


Submitted Competitor Before Photos, After Photos, Videos, and 300 Word Stories will be compared against the Photos, Videos, and Stories of the other competitors in your class. Official IDFA / NAW Judges will be individually and privately going over all of the competitor Photos, Videos, and Stories and comparing them and ranking them from 1st place to the final placing and submitting them to the IDFA as their official placings just as we do at our Live Competitions. All competitors will be placed.


We will need a photo of the front, back, and side of you. We will also need a VIDEO of you performing all these poses or positions showing you from all angles.

For the Photos and Video make sure we see your entire body from the bottom of your foot to the top of your head. You can not edit or use filters on the Photos and Video. For the Video, if you are using your phone, hold it sideways (or horizontally) so that it is in a better format (or dimensions) to use on YouTube. We will be putting together a Contest Coverage and Results video.

To validate the date we will need one photo of you with a newspaper or the Weather App on your phone. We are open to suggestions on this. If you have an idea of how to validate the date email Shaun at

Send your Photos and Videos submissions to  We can also use sending files sites such as DropBox, Wetransfer, etc.  If you prefer another method for sending Photos and Videos please email Shaun at  The main file sharing programs we use are Dropbox and WeTransfer.

If you have any questions please message Shaun at


Top 3 will receive Large IDFA Custom Medallions with 4th and 5th receiving smaller size IDFA Custom medallions. We will be awarding medallions for 6th to the final placing. Everyone will receive a medallion.

All Awards will be shipped out to the mailing address the competitor provides. The Awards will be shipped out right after all the Placings are announced.

For information on how to register, Go to homepage and click on the competition you wish to compete in.  The entry form for that competition will be there.

For information on drug testing, please see our IDFA Drug Testing section.

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