Athlete Attire

IDFA Approved Suits for Figure and Fitness Models

Posing Suit

A 2-piece competition figure posing suit will be worn for Online Contest Photos and Video. Please choose a quality-made suit appropriate for figure competition. The posing suit will cover a minimum of 33% of the gluteus maximus and all of the frontal area; No G-strings, thongs etc.

Posing suit must be in good taste. As we know the suits are becoming smaller in the back over the years with many organizations so we will be flexible if you already own a suit and are unsure about the coverage on the back. If you are unsure about your suit please contact the IDFA prior to competition.

Note: You must have the appropriate posing suit for the division you are entered in.


Small earrings, bracelets and wedding rings area permitted. (Your jewellery should not overpower, or take attention away, from your physique.)


Clear heels are to be worn. Can either be slip-on style (as shown in image below) or with straps. Heel no higher than 5″. Sole no higher than 1.5″. No platform heels.

IDFA Approved Shoes for Figure and Fitness Models

Divisions and Classes

Women’s Novice Figure

  • Novice Figure

Women’s Open Figure

  • Open Figure

Women’s Masters Figure

  • Masters 40+ (40 years old and over)
  • Masters 50+ (50 years old and over)

 Women’s Pro Figure

  • Women’s Pro Figure (one class)

All IDFA competitors must be at least 18 years of age.


  • Masters can crossover to Open and / or Novice
  • Masters 50+ can crossover to Masters 40+
  • Novice can crossover to Open

Novice Eligibility

  1. Competitor has not placed in the top 3 in an Open Division in another organization.
  2. Competitor has not placed top 3 in the Novice division in an IDFA sanctioned event.

Open Eligibility

  1. Competitor has placed top 3 in the Novice division in an IDFA sanctioned event.
  2. Competitor has placed top 3 in the Open Division in another organization.

Pro Eligibility

  1. Competitor holds a current IDFA Pro Card in the Pro Division they are entering.
  2. Competitor has earned Pro Status in a natural organization in the U.S.A. and has been granted permission by the IDFA. Please contact the IDFA at to verify that the IDFA recognizes your Pro Status.

Judging Criteria

Judges will be basing their decisions on the following criteria:

Muscular Development

  • Muscular toned feminine physique
  • This is not a bodybuilding competition so excessive muscularity will take away from the overall muscular toned physique
  • Reasonable level of body fat showing separations between major muscle groups (eg. biceps to triceps) without visible striations in the muscle groups

Symmetry and Proportion

  • No body part should stand out from the rest
  • There should be an even flow through the body
  • Equal development between all muscle groups

Stage Presence

  • Confidence
  • Execution of quarter turns
  • Skin tone, make-up, suit selection
  • Overall poise and presentation


IDFA Mandatory Poses for PHOTOS and VIDEO Submission

IDFA Approved Figure Poses


The Quarter Turns and Mandatory Poses are to be done in this order:

Figure Relaxed Pose – Facing forward, right leg is straight, left leg is slightly bent and in front. Right hand is placed on your hip. Left arm hangs relaxed at the side with elbow slightly bent (no further than 6 inches from the body).

Description of Quarter Turns

Quarter Turn Right – Head facing the same direction as the body, heels together, left arm hanging relaxed and slightly back from the center-line of the body with a slight bend at the elbow. Right arm hangs relaxed and slightly front of the center-line of the body with a slight bend at the elbow. The positioning of the arms will cause the upper body to twist slightly left with the left shoulder lowered and the right shoulder raised.

Quarter Turn Back – Head facing the same direction as the body, heels together, both arms hanging relaxed and at the side along the center-line of the body, elbows slightly bent, tips of the fingers no further than 6 inches from the body.

Quarter Turn Right – Head facing the same direction as the body, heels together, right arm hanging relaxed and slightly back from the center-line of the body with a slight bend at the elbow. Left arm hangs relaxed and slightly front of the center-line of the body with a slight bend at the elbow. The positioning of the arms will cause the upper body to twist slightly right with the right shoulder lowered and the left shoulder raised.

Quarter Turn Front – Head facing the same direction as the body, heels together, both arms hanging relaxed and at the side along the center-line of the body, elbows slightly bent, tips of the fingers no further than 6 inches from the body.


Submitted Competitor Photos and Videos will be compared against the Photos and Videos of the other competitors in your class. Official IDFA Judges will be individually and privately going over all of the competitor Photos and Videos and comparing them and ranking them from 1st place to the final placing and submitting them to the IDFA as their official placings just as we do at our Live Competitions. All competitors will be placed.


We will need a photo of each mandatory pose. We will also need a VIDEO of you performing all the mandatory poses.

For the Photos and Video make sure we see your entire body from the bottom of your foot to the top of your head. You can not edit or use filters on the Photos and Video. For the Video, if you are using your phone, hold it upright (or vertically). We will be putting together a Contest Coverage and Results video for every online competition.

To validate the date we will need one photo of you holding a piece of paper with the code word on it. We will be emailing the code word out to all the athletes late the evening before the online competition.

Send your Photos and Videos submissions to  We can also use sending files sites such as DropBox, Wetransfer, etc.  If you prefer another method for sending Photos and Videos please email Shaun at  The main file sharing programs we use are Dropbox and WeTransfer.

If you have any questions please message Shaun at


Top 3 will receive Large IDFA Custom Medallions with 4th and 5th receiving smaller size IDFA Custom medallions. We will be awarding medallions for 6th to the final placing. Everyone will receive a medallion.

All Awards will be shipped out to the mailing address the competitor provides. The Awards will be shipped out right after all the Placings are announced.

For information on how to register, Go to homepage and click on the event you wish to compete in.  The entry form for that event will be there.

For information on drug testing, please see our IDFA Drug Testing section.

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