IDFA Rules and Regulations – Men’s Classic Physique

Athlete Attire

Posing Suit

Competitors wear plain black spandex shorts (no branding or logos are permitted, bodybuilding posing trunks are prohibited). Classic physique shorts should adequately cover the center portion of glutes from top to bottom, more specifically, we should not see the glutes touching.

Posing suit must be in good taste and the IDFA must approve suit prior to competition.

All competitors will wear posing attire, as stated above, for both the Judging round and Presentation & Awards round.


Only small earrings and wedding rings permitted.

Note: All suits will be checked at Athlete Registration / Check-in.

Divisions and Classes

Novice Men’s Classic Physique

  • classes to be announced after height check at registration

If more than 10 competitors, there will be 2 classes. The classes will be divided up evenly and fairly based on height.

Open Men’s Classic Physique

  • classes to be announced after height check at registration

If more than 10 competitors, there will be 2 classes. The classes will be divided up evenly and fairly based on height.

Masters Men’s Classic Physique

  • Men’s Masters 40+ (40 years of age and older)
  • Men’s Masters 50+ (50 years of age and older)

Pro Men’s Classic Physique

  • Pro Men’s Classic Physique (one class)

All IDFA competitors must be at least 18 years of age.


  • Masters can crossover to Open and / or Novice
  • Masters 50+ can crossover to Masters 40+
  • Novice can crossover to Open

Novice Eligibility

  1. Competitor has not placed in the top 3 in an Open Division in another organization.
  2. Competitor has not placed top 3 in the Novice division in an IDFA sanctioned event.

Open Eligibility

  1. Competitor has placed top 3 in the Novice division in an IDFA sanctioned event.
  2. Competitor has placed top 3 in the Open Division in another organization.

Pro Eligibility

  1. Competitor holds a current IDFA Pro Card in the Pro Division they are entering.
  2. Competitor has earned Pro Status in a natural organization in the U.S.A. and has been granted permission by the IDFA. Please contact the IDFA at to verify that the IDFA recognizes your Pro Status.

Judging Criteria

Judges will be basing their decisions on the following criteria:

IDFA Men’s Classic Physique Poses

Judging Round

Competitors will come out and line up with their class along the back of the stage in the front relaxed pose with hands at side and lats flared. The Head Judge will direct the class through the mandatory poses (see Photos of Men’s Classic Physique Poses above).

Presentation & Awards Round

All competitors in each class will be introduced and will perform their Posing Showcase at the Presentation & Awards round.

The Judging is where the scoring mainly takes place however if your class is close, the Presentation & Awards round will be factored in.

Presentation & Awards – Posing Showcase

All amateur competitors in each class will be introduced and will perform the Free Posing Round at the Presentation & Awards round.

Free Posing Round

The competitor will proceed to the front center of the stage where they will perform a few of their favourite poses to background music. This is the competitor’s time to display their physique to the audience and judges.

Note: The free posing round will last for approximately 30 seconds for each competitor. The competitor should be able to perform about 4 – 6 poses in this amount of time.


We will supply the background music for the Judging round, and for the Posing Showcase at the Presentation & Awards round.

Overall Comparisons

If the division has more than one class the winners of each class will be compared in the same fashion as Judging round to determine the overall winner.

No Props or Costumes Allowed

The use of props or costumes during Judging round and the Presentation & Awards round is strictly prohibited.


Novice, Open, Masters

Top 3 will receive Large IDFA Custom Medallions with 4th and 5th receiving smaller size IDFA Custom Medallions.


Top 10 will receive Large IDFA Custom Medallions. Cash prizes may be awarded in the Pro Divisions and will be clearly stated prior to the event.

For information on how to register, Go to homepage and click on the event you wish to compete in.  The entry form for that event will be there.

For information on drug testing, please see our IDFA Drug Testing section.

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