Next Event: OCTOBER 5 – IDFA 152: MONTREAL (Amateur & Pro) at Centre Leonardo da Vinci

People’s Champ

We will be awarding three (3) People’s Champ Awards at each of our 2020 IDFA Competitions.  All the class winners, and all the transformation challenge participants from each 2020 IDFA competition will have their PHOTO posted and we will let the people judge who the People’s Champ is. We will have a Women’s People’s Champ, Men’s People’s Champ, and a People’s Transformation Champ at each 2020 IDFA Competition.

It will be real simple. The athlete with the most LIKES on their photo WINS.


-Women’s People’s Champ
-Men’s People’s Champ
People’s Transformation Champ

What you WIN

-Official IDFA Gold Medal
-title as People’s Champ

Note: We will ship out an official Gold Medal to each People’s Champ winner.

Who is Eligible

-all Women’s Class Winners, all Men’s Class Winners, and all participants in the Transformation Challenge at each 2020 IDFA Competition

How Often

-every 2020 IDFA Competition will have the People’s Champ Awards after the event

How to become the People’s Champ

-all Women’s Class Winners, all Men’s Class Winners, and all participants in the Transformation Challenge after each 2020 IDFA Competition will be added onto one, or more, of our social media pages and the people will vote by LIKING their PHOTO
-we will set up a system on social media where the most LIKES on their photo WINS

See you on stage!

Shaun Campbell

IDFA 2020: Year of the Natural Athlete.

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