Contest Date
21 Jun 2025
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Online Natural Bodybuilding Championships
Saturday, June 21, 2025
SAVE!!! Save 10% if you register by April 26.
Complete the ONLINE Registration Form (BELOW). Once you have completed the ONLINE Registration Form you will send payment via an email money transfer to for that Amount that you select on the ONLINE Registration Form. Note: If you want to pay using PayPal email me at once you submitted this Registration Form.
SAVE!!! Save 10% if you register by April 26.
ENTRY into 1 CLASS: 99.99 – 10% = 89.99 CDN
Note: There are no additional fees, and we do not charge a membership fee
Additional CLASS: 49.99 – 10% = 44.99 CDN each class
Cost for Award(s) & Tee, and Shipping: 69.99 – 10% = 62.99 CDN << FLATE RATE SHIPPING in CANADA & USA >>
Cost for Award(s) & Tee, and Shipping: 99.99 – 10% = 89.99 CDN << FLATE RATE SHIPPING Internationally (outside CANADA & USA) >>
*HST will be added to the total
Have questions or need more information? We’re here to help. Contact Shaun or join our Free Facebook group, IDFA Room, to connect with fellow competitors and get inspired.
Your registration will be confirmed via email. All the information you will require for the 2025 IDFA WORLD CUP Online Natural Bodybuilding Championships will be sent to you in an email.
Note: You can click on the Division to see the Online Rules for that Division.
Men’s Bodybuilding: Novice, Masters 40, Masters 50, Open
Men’s Classic Physique: Novice, Masters 40, Masters 50, Open
Men’s Physique: Novice, Masters 40, Masters 50, Open
Women’s Physique: Novice, Masters 40, Masters 50, Open
Women’s Figure: Novice, Masters 40, Masters 50, Open
Women’s Fitness Model: Novice, Masters 40, Masters 50, Open
Women’s Bikini: Novice, Masters 40, Masters 50, Open
Both Men & Women
Transformation Challenge: Men and Women
Here is a VIDEO from the very first Official IDFA Online Contest. They have gotten better and better every show. The IDFA has run over 10 ONLINE Shows, and over 150 LIVE Shows. The 2025 IDFA ONLINE COMPETITIONS will be next level. (The IDFA has been running IDFA Natural Bodybuilding Competitions since 2005.)
Click on Division for Rules:
Men’s Bodybuilding
Men’s Classic Physique
Men’s Physique
Women’s Physique
Women’s Figure
Women’s Fitness Model
Women’s Bikini
Both Men & Women
Transformation Challenge
We will need a photo of each mandatory pose for your division. We will also need a VIDEO of you performing all the mandatory poses. See below for PHOTO and VIDEO requirements. These Photos and Videos will be taken on JUNE 21, 2025 between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm (your TIMEZONE). If you will have an issue taking your photos and videos within this time frame contact Shaun at
For the Photos and Video make sure we see your entire body from the bottom of your foot to the top of your head. You can not edit or use filters on the Photos and Video. For the Video, if you are using your phone, hold it upright (or vertically). We will be putting together a Contest Coverage and Results video.
To validate the date of JUNE 21, 2025 we will need one photo of you holding a piece of paper with the code word on it. Shaun will be emailing the code word out to all the athletes late on Friday, June 20, 2025 evening. This way you will have the code for JUNE 21 before 10:00 am (your TIMEZONE).
Send your Photos and Videos submissions to before 6:00 pm (your Time Zone) on JUNE 21, 2025. We can also use sending files sites such as DropBox, WeTransfer, etc. If you prefer another method for sending Photos and Videos please email Shaun at The file sharing program that we prefer is WeTransfer. It has been very easy for all that athletes to use and its free.
If you have any questions please message Shaun at
Official Judging will take place on JUNE 22, 2025.
Submitted Competitor Photos and Videos will be compared against the Photos and Videos of the other competitors in your class. Official IDFA Judges will be individually and privately going over all of the competitor Photos and Videos and comparing them and ranking them from 1st place to the final placing and submitting them to the IDFA as their official placings just as we do at our Live Competitions. All competitors will be placed.
Official Results will be posted within 48 hours after the judging. The Contest Coverage and Results Video will be posted on YouTube within 48 hours after the judging on the Shaun Campbell 2.0 YouTube Channel. So make sure to subscribe to the Shaun Campbell 2.0 YouTube Channel so you are notified immediately when the Contest Coverage and Results Video is posted.
Results & Recognition:
-All athletes will be featured in our ONLINE Results & Coverage Videos and have their Official Placings listed on the Official IDFA Website. These results are recognized as Official IDFA Placings.
-All athletes will receive an Official IDFA Certificate with their placing, sent via email in two formats: print-quality PDF and web-quality PNG.
Feature Spotlights:
-Top athletes will be highlighted on our official IDFA social media pages, celebrating their achievements with exclusive posts. IDFA Social Media Pages: IDFA Natural Bodybuilding on IG, International Drug Free Athletics on FB, IDFA Room on FB, Shaun Campbell 2.0 on YouTube, and Shaun Campbell 2.0 on IG.
Physical Awards (Shipping Worldwide at FLAT Rates as mentioned in ‘TO REGISTER’ section):
-Additional Flat Fee for cost of medallion(s), tee, and shipping as mentioned in ‘TO REGISTER’ section.
Custom IDFA Medallions:
-Large Custom IDFA Medallions for the Top 3 in each class. Additional Custom IDFA Medallions for 4th and 5th place, with medallions awarded up to the final placing, ensuring everyone is recognized. Each medallion will feature the athlete’s full name—a unique personal touch exclusive to our Online Competitions.
Official IDFA T-Shirt:
-Shipped worldwide for an additional Flat Fee as mentioned in ‘TO REGISTER’ section.
Note: All physical awards and T-shirts will be shipped out after the placings are announced. Results will be finalized and announced within 48 hours after judging.
>>> If you wish to order IDFA and WORKOUT WARRIOR Apparel that is shipped anywhere in the WORLD visit
Official Poster
If you can put up a Poster(s) in your local gym, nutrition store, tanning salon, etc that would be a great help. Contact IDFA at and provide your mailing address and how many posters you will need. Or you can PRINT some posters using the link below. The ONLINE COMPETITIONS are great for those who can not attend an IDFA Competition (in person). Thank you!
Here is a link to a PRINTABLE POSTER (High Resolution PDF – 23.1 MB) >>> COMING SOON!
And here is a PNG Version of the Poster that is great for social media.
Thank you!
Shaun Campbell