Next Event: MAY 17-ONLINE-IDFA Worldwide Challenge Online Natural Bodybuilding Championships

MAY 13 – ONLINE 2023 IDFA Canadian Nationals / Provincials (CANADIAN Citizens ONLY)

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Contest Date
13 May 2023

10:00 am - 2:00 pm


(Click for details)

2023 IDFA Canadian Nationals / Provincials ONLINE
(Amateur & Pro)
Saturday, MAY 13, 2023

Provincial / Territory Competitions and Canadian Nationals Advancement

ONLINE CONTESTS across CANADA all taking place on May 13:

IDFA Maritimes Championships (NB, NS, PEI, NL)
IDFA Quebec Championships (QC)
IDFA Ontario Championships (ON)
IDFA Manitoba Championships (MB)
IDFA Saskatchewan Championships (SK)
IDFA Alberta Championships (AB)
IDFA British Columbia Championships (BC)
IDFA Northern Territories Championships (YT, NWT, NU)

All OPEN WINNERS (Amateur) at each Provincial and Territory Championships are automatically advanced to the 2023 IDFA Canadian Nationals Online Natural Bodybuilding Championships. There is no extra cost or extra submissions required.

PROS entering will be entered directly to the 2023 IDFA Canadian Nationals Online PRO Natural Bodybuilding Championships. We will also be adding the 2022 IDFA Canadian Nationals (Amateur) Winners to the PRO Championships for judging and there is no extra cost or extra submission required.


ENTRY FORM >>> 2023 IDFA Canadian Nationals / Provincials ONLINE Entry Form 10% OFF

Register Early & Save!!! 10% OFF until MARCH 18. (discount extended to April 23)

  • Download and print the entry form. The form requires Acrobat Reader, click here for free download.
  • Complete form and email to
  • Take a photo of your entry form, and email it as an attachment to  Add ENTRY FORM in the subject of the email.

PayPal Payment
If you select on the Entry Form the you will be paying via PayPal a PayPal invoice will be sent to the email on your entry form, OR you can directly send us a PayPal payment to

Email Money Transfer
You can directly send us an email money transfer for your Entry Fees to


Your registration will be confirmed via email. All the information you will require for the 2023 IDFA Canadian Nationals / Provincials ONLINE Championships will be sent to you in an email.


Note: You can click on the Division to see the Online Rules for that Division.

Men’s Bodybuilding: Novice*, Masters 40+, Masters 50+, Open**, PRO***
Men’s Physique: Novice*, Masters 40+, Masters 50+, Open**, PRO***
Women’s Fitness Model: Novice*, Masters 40+, Masters 50+, Open**, PRO***
Women’s Figure: Novice*, Masters 40+, Masters 50+, Open**, PRO***
Women’s Bikini: Novice*, Masters 40+, Masters 50+, Open**, PRO***
Transformation Challenge: Men and Women

*If you are entering the NOVICE Class you can also enter the OPEN Class as an additional class. The reason we are allowing this is to ensure the athletes that qualify for the 2023 IDFA Canadian Nationals ONLINE are the top athletes at the Provincial / Territory Championships.

**All OPEN WINNERS at each Provincial and Territory Championships are automatically advanced to the 2023 IDFA Canadian Nationals ONLINE Natural Bodybuilding Championships. There is no extra cost or extra submissions required.

***PROS entering will be entered directly to the 2023 IDFA Canadian Nationals Online PRO Natural Bodybuilding Championships. We will also be adding the 2022 IDFA Canadian Nationals (Amateur) Winners to the PRO Championships for judging and there is no extra cost or extra submission required.

Here is a VIDEO from the very first Official IDFA Online Contest. This will give you an idea of what the IDFA pulled off on short notice. These ONLINE COMPETITIONS coming up will be next level.


Click on Division for Rules:
Bodybuilding Online Contest Rules
Men’s Physique Online Contest Rules
Figure Online Contest Rules
Fitness Model Online Contest Rules
Bikini Online Contest Rules
Transformation Challenge Online Contest Rules


We will need a photo of each mandatory pose for your division. We will also need a VIDEO of you performing all the mandatory poses. See below for PHOTO and VIDEO requirements. These Photos and Videos will be taken on May 13, 2023 between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm (in your Time Zone). If you will have an issue taking your photos and videos within this time frame contact Shaun at

For the Photos and Video make sure we see your entire body from the bottom of your foot to the top of your head. You can not edit or use filters on the Photos and Video. For the Video, if you are using your phone, hold it upright (or vertically). We will be putting together a Contest Coverage and Results video.

To validate the date of MAY 13, 2023 we will need one photo of you holding a piece of paper with the code word on it. Shaun will be emailing the code word out to all the athletes late on Friday, MAY 12, 2023 evening. This way you will have the code for MAY 13 before 10:00 am (in your Time Zone).

Send your Photos and Videos submissions to using a file sharing program such as before 6:00 pm (in your Time Zone) on MAY 13, 2023.  If you prefer another method for sending Photos and Videos please email Shaun at  The main file sharing program we have been using with great success is WeTransfer.

If you have any questions please message Shaun at


Official Judging (Provincial and Territories) will take place on MAY 14, 2023. The 2023 IDFA Canadian Nationals ONLINE Judging will take place after we have the Open Winners from each Provincial and Territory Championships.

Submitted Competitor Photos and Videos will be compared against the Photos and Videos of the other competitors in your class. Official IDFA Judges will be individually and privately going over all of the competitor Photos and Videos and comparing them and ranking them from 1st place to the final placing and submitting them to the IDFA as their official placings just as we do at our Live Competitions. All competitors will be placed.

Official Results for the Provincial and Territory Championships will be posted within 48 hours after the judging. The Contest Coverage and Results Video will be posted on YouTube within 48 hours after the judging on the IDFA YouTube Channel. So make sure to subscribe to the YouTube Channel so you are notified immediately when the Contest Coverage and Results Video is posted.

Official Results for the 2023 IDFA Canadian Nationals ONLINE Natural Bodybuilding Championships will be posted within 48 hours after the Provincial and Territory Championships Video (s) has been posted. The Contest Coverage and Results Video will be posted on YouTube within 48 hours after the Provincial and Territory Championships Video has been posted on the IDFA YouTube Channel. So make sure to subscribe to the YouTube Channel so you are notified immediately when the 2023 IDFA Canadian Nationals ONLINE Contest Coverage and Results Video is posted.


Custom IDFA Medallions (Large) for the Top 3 in each class, Custom IDFA Medallions for 4th and 5th in each class. We will be awarding medallions for 6th to the final placing ensuring that everyone will receive a medallion. Also we will be adding your full name to the back of the medallion as a nice personal touch that we can only do with Online Competitions.

– OPEN Champions will have their submission advanced to the 2023 IDFA Canadian National ONLINE Championships at no extra cost.
– All athletes receive an Official IDFA Tee Shirt.

*** We will be shipping out all the awards and tees to all the athletes competing after the placings are announced. We will be announcing the placings within 48 hours after the judging. ***

Official Poster

Please share these posters with whomever you feel would be interested in competing. Thank you!


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