Next Event: MAY 17-ONLINE-IDFA Worldwide Challenge Online Natural Bodybuilding Championships

IDFA 110: Prairies RESULTS – May 20, 2017

IDFA 110: Prairies Results

PHOTOS from IDFA 110: PRAIRIES >>> Photos from IDFA 110: Prairies

Transformation Challenge

Winner – Dale Schwartz (Winnipeg, MB) – $250.00 cash

Chantal Fowler (Emerson, MB), Dale Schwartz (Winnipeg, MB), Tanya Readman (Winnipeg, MB)

Masters Fitness Model
1. Giselle Kahoot (Ear Falls, MB) 3

Masters Figure
1. Yolanda Bouzane (Blackfoot, AB) 3
2. Giselle Kahoot (Ear Falls, MB)     6
3. Nicki Podworny (Brandon, MB)  10
4. Tanya Readman (Winnipeg, MB) 11

Masters Physique
1. Jim Dickinson (Boissevain, MB) 3

Masters Bikini
1. Leah Dalziel (Pierson, MB)            3
2. Joanna McLeod (Winnipeg, MB) 6

Novice Fitness Model
1. Jennifer Shead (Beausejour, MB) 3

Novice Bodybuilding
1. Adam Tressel (Winnipeg, MB)      5 tie-breaker
2. Jake Neufeld (Winnipeg, MB)      5
3. Christian Allard (Winnipeg, MB) 8

Novice Figure
1. Andrea Burgess (Winnipeg, MB)   3
2. Kierra Coomber (Winnipeg, MB)  7
3. Jennifer Shead (Beausejour, MB) 8
4. Erin Geekie (Thompson, MB)       12
5. Tanya Readman (Winnipeg, MB) 15

Novice Physique – Short
1. Nicholas Olsen (Winnipeg, MB)   3
2. Luke Galatiuk (Brandon, MB)      7
3. Brendan Adamo (Winnipeg, MB) 10
4. Denzel LeBlanc (Winnipeg, MB)  11
5. Bryce Hunt (Winkler, MB)          16
6. Taylor Minsky (Winnipeg, MB) 18
7. Christian Allard (Winnipeg, MB) 21
8. Adam Tressel (Winnipeg, MB)    24
9. Jim Dickinson (Boissevain, MB) 25

Novice Physique – Tall
1. Alex Bloch (Winnipeg, MB)      4 OVERALL
2. Jeff Godard (Winnipeg, MB)    7
3. Jake Neufeld (Winnipeg, MB) 8
4. Matt Sabourin (Winnipeg, MB) 12
5. Adam Zeglen (La Salle, MB)       15
6. Tyler Therrien (Steinbach, MB) 17
7. Dallas Unruh (Brandon, MB)     18

Novice Bikini
1. Christy Wood (Forrest, MB)          3
2. Joanna McLeod (Winnipeg, MB) 6
3. Chantal Fowler (Emerson, MB)    9

Open Fitness Model
1. Juls Charbonneau (Winnipeg, MB) 3 New IDFA Pro
2. Giselle Kahoot (Ear Falls, MB)         6

Open Bodybuilding
1. Shayne Scott (Rivers, MB)                             3 New IDFA Pro
2. Adam Zeglen (La Salle, MB)                         6
3. Mathew Hayze Harasym (Winnipeg, MB) 9
4. Curtis Rhodes (Winnipeg, MB)                    12

Open Figure
1. Yolanda Bouzane (Blackfoot, AB) 3 New IDFA Pro
2. Giselle Kahoot (Ear Falls, MB)     6

Open Physique
1. Shayne Scott (Rivers, MB)                3 New IDFA Pro
2. Trevor Kouritizin (Winnipeg, MB) 6

Open Bikini
1. Kyla Lambert (Ste. Agathe, MB) 3 New IDFA Pro

Scoring is done by ranking each competitor. Ranking is done by comparing the physiques of each competitor of each class and ranking them from highest to lowest. The best competitor should be assigned a rank of 1, the next highest competitor should get a rank of 2, and so on.
The highest and lowest rank for each competitor is discarded as a safeguard against favouritism and to protect against human error. The remaining scores are added, and the lowest total receives first place in the class. Second lowest total receives 2nd place, and so on. If a tie results, the competitor who was ranked highest among the tied competitors by a majority of all judges receives the highest placement.

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