Next Event: MAY 17-ONLINE-IDFA Worldwide Challenge Online Natural Bodybuilding Championships

IDFA 124: Calgary RESULTS – June 2, 2018

IDFA 124: Calgary Results

Transformation Challenge

Winner – Brandy Wolowidnyk (Coalhurst, AB) – $250.00 cash

Adrienne Heskett (Saskatoon, SK), Brandy Wolowidnyk (Coalhurst, AB), Cory Gray (Saskatoon, SK), Jocelyn Anderson (Lethbridge, AB), Khalida Braid (Calgary, AB), Lee ‘Sara’ Dowhey (Calgary, AB)

Masters Fitness Model
1.Stephanie Coughlan (Calgary, AB) 3

Masters Bodybuilding
1.Chuck Thomson (Edmonton, AB) 3

Masters Physique
1.Cory Gray (Saskatoon, SK)    3
2.Doug Unreiner (Reddeer, AB) 6

Masters Bikini
1.Stephanie Coughlan (Calgary, AB)   3
2.Brandy Wolowidnyk (Coalhurst, AB) 6

Novice Fitness Model
1.Sasha Witwicky (Olds, AB) 9
2.Jennifer MacEwen (SK)   10
3.Amy Lahoda (Calgary, AB)        11 tie-breaker
4.Cassandra Davis (Melfort, SK) 11
5.Rebecca Bates (Wainwright, AB)   14
6.Vanessa Nguyen (Edmonton, AB) 15
7.Melissa Besson (Rocky Mtn. House, AB) 18
8.Leslie Jensen (Rocky Mtn. House, AB) 21
9.Lee ‘Sara’ Dowhey (Calgary, AB)           22

Novice Bodybuilding
1.Broden McLean (Calgary, AB) 3

Novice Figure
1.Lee ‘Sara’ Dowhey (Calgary, AB) 3
2.Sasha Witwicky (Olds, AB)          6
3.Leslie Jensen (Rocky Mtn. House, AB) 9

Novice Physique
1.Aaron Migrino (Calgary, AB)   3
2.Doug Unreiner (Reddeer, AB) 6

Novice Bikini
1.Shelby Sheardown (Medicine Hat, AB) 5
2.Rachel Johnson (Calgary, AB)      7
3.Rebecca Bates (Wainwright, AB) 9 tie-breaker
4.Amy Lahoda (Calgary, AB)           9
5.Tiffany Olivieri (Bellevue, AB)          15 tie-breaker
6.Jocelyn Anderson (Lethbridge, AB) 15
7.Vanessa Nguyen (Edmonton, AB)       23
8.Brandy Wolowidnyk (Coalhurst, AB) 24
9.Melissa Besson (Rocky Mtn. House, AB) 27 tie-breaker
10.Cassandra Davis (Melfort, SK) 27

Open Fitness Model
1.Catt Carson (Lethbridge, AB)                   3 New IDFA Pro
2.Mia Vaughan (Rocky Mtn. House, AB) 6

Open Bodybuilding
1.Jagjit Singh (Calgary, AB)      3 New IDFA Pro
2.Chantha Bun (Reddeer, AB) 6
3.Chuck Thomson (Edmonton, AB) 9

Open Physique
1.Felipe Soto (Calgary, AB)       3 New IDFA Pro
2.Chantha Bun (Reddeer, AB) 7
3.Cory Gray (Saskatoon, SK)  8

Open Bikini
1.Catt Carson (Lethbridge, AB) 3 New IDFA Pro
2.Jennifer MacEwen (SK)          6

Scoring is done by ranking each competitor. Ranking is done by comparing the physiques of each competitor of each class and ranking them from highest to lowest. The best competitor should be assigned a rank of 1, the next highest competitor should get a rank of 2, and so on.
The highest and lowest rank for each competitor is discarded as a safeguard against favouritism and to protect against human error. The remaining scores are added, and the lowest total receives first place in the class. Second lowest total receives 2nd place, and so on. If a tie results, the competitor who was ranked highest among the tied competitors by a majority of all judges receives the highest placement.


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