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IDFA 99: GATINEAU Results – July 9, 2016


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Transformation Challenge

Winner – Joannie Vaillancourt (St-Jerome, QC) – $250.00 cash

Alexis LeMeur (St Georges de Geauce, QC), Annie Croteau (Gatineau, QC), Joanie Pilon (Glen Robertson, ON), Valerie Rufer (Valcartier, QC), and Joannie Vaillancourt (St-Jerome, QC)

Masters Fitness Model
1.Rachel Boucher (Hawksbury, ON) 3
2.Isabelle Lombardo (St-Jerome, QC) 7
3.Tanya Duguay (Gatineau, QC) 8
4.Jenny Chan Fook Tin (Ottawa, ON) 13
5.Suzie Laframboise (Bainsville, ON) 14

Masters Bodybuilding
1.Greg Cote (Rouyn-Noranda, QC) 3
2.Gerry Brule (Kanata, ON) 6

Masters Figure
1.Dina Evans (Nepean, ON) 3
2.Chantal Meilleur (Grenville, QC) 6
3.Carole LaFreniere (Gatineau, QC) 9

Masters Bikini
1.Pascale Dubois (Alfred, ON) 3
2.Suzie Laframboise (Bainsville, ON) 6

Novice Fitness Model – Short
1.Joannie Vaillancourt (St-Jerome, QC) 3 OVERALL Winner
2.Genevieve St-Georges (Gatineau, QC) 10
3.Emmanuelle Racine (Quebec, QC) 11 tie-breaker
4.Stephanie Roy (Gatineau, QC) 11
5.Jenny Chan Fook Tin (Ottawa, ON) 13
6.France Boulianne (Gatineau, QC) 16
7.Vanessa Quesnel (Embrun, QC) 17

Novice Fitness Model – Tall
1.Rachel Boucher (Hawkesbury, ON) 3
2.Renee-Susie Labelle (Gatineau, QC) 6
3.Lina Boucher (Orleans, ON) 13
4.Ashley Lima (Ottawa, ON) 14
5.Patricia Jean-Allard (Levis, QC) 15
6.Sonia Deschenes (Gatineau, QC) 16
7.Kaitlyn Becker (Alexandria, ON) 18
8.Joanie Pilon (Glen Robertson, ON) 22

Novice Bodybuilding
1.Greg Cote (Rouyn-Noranda, QC) 3
2.Jonathan Boivin (Wendrike, QC) 6
3.Jules Boulet (Rockland, ON) 9
4.Francis Bigras (Brownsburg-Chatharn, QC)14
5.Karl Bolduc (Levis, QC) 15
6.Steven Rodrigue (Nortre-Dame-Des-Pins, QC) 16
7.Alexis LeMeur (St Georges De Geauce, QC) 21

Novice Figure
1.Dina Evans (Neapen, ON) 3
2.Melissa Hernandez Batista (Terrebonne, QC) 6
3.Ashley Lima (Ottawa, ON) 9
4.Patricia Jean-Allard (Levis, QC) 12
5.France Boulianne (Gatineau, QC) 14
6.Jade Richer (Sherbrooke, QC) 18
7.Melanie Therrien (Hawkesbury, ON) 22
8.Kaitlin Turner (Ottawa, ON) 23
9.Jenny Chan Fook Tin (Ottawa, ON) 27
10.Joanie Pilon (Glen Robertson, ON) 30
11.Vanessa Quesnel (Embrun, ON) 33

Novice Physique – Short
1.Elijah Micho (Montreal, QC) 3
2.Brandon Lauzon (QC) 7
3.Bandith Rattanavong (Montreal, QC) 8
4.Jules Boulet (Rockland, ON) 11
5.Gajan Veemaraja (D.D.O., QC) 15
6.Michael Cullen (Ottawa, ON ) 18

Novice Physique – Tall
1.Steve Latulippe (Terrebonne, QC) 4 OVERALL Winner
2.Marc-Antoine Houle (Victoriaville, QC) 5
3. Anthony Comeau (Terrebonne, QC) 8
4.Jonathan Boivin (Wendrike, QC) 12
5.Marc-Andre Fournier (Laval, QC) 14
6.Santa Gerard (Gatineau, QC) 19
7.Tyler Forget (Franklin, QC) 21
8.Karl Bolduc (Levis, QC) 24

Novice Bikini – Short
1.Melanie Chamberland (Mirable, QC) 3
2.Catherine Venne (Mascouche, QC) 6
3.Pascale Dubois (Alfred, ON) 10
4.Marie-Christine Desbiens (Laval, QC) 11
5.Genevieve St-Georges (Gatineau, QC) 15
6.Stephanie Roy (Gatineau, QC) 17
7.Annie Croteau (Gatineau, QC) 21

Novice Bikini – Tall
1.Ashley MacDonald (Cornwall, ON) 3 OVERALL Winner
2.Kaitlyn Becker (Alexandria, ON) 6
3.Elodie Berthelier (St Isidoro, QC) 10
4.Suzie Laframboise (Bainsville, ON ) 11
5.Marie-Pier Lavergne (Gatineau, QC) 15
6.Valerie Rufer (Valcartier, QC) 18
7.Sonia Deschenes (Gatineau, QC) 20

Open Fitness Model
1.Catherine Ouellet (Gatineau, QC) 3 New IDFA Pro
2.Tanya Duguay (Gatineau, QC) 6
3.Kaitlin Turner (Ottawa, ON) 11
4.Isabelle Lombardo (St-Jerome, QC) 12 tie-breaker
5.Sophie Berthiaume (Terrebonne, QC) 12

Open Bodybuilding
1.Jacksondy Frazil (Montreal, QC) 3 New IDFA Pro
2.Gabriel Sciacca (Blainville, QC) 7
3.Jonathan Marois (Chelsea, QC) 8

Open Figure
1.Chantal Meilleur (Grenville, QC) 3 New IDFA Pro
2.Camille Vigneault (Montreal, QC) 7
3.Carole LaFreniere (Gatineau, QC) 8

Open Physique
1.Nikos Felesakis (Laval, QC) 3 New IDFA Pro
2.Kenny Drummond (Montreal, QC) 6
3.Tremayne Howe (Halifax, NS) 10
4.Jonathan Gionest (Montreal, QC) 11
5.Dominic Poirier (Embrun, QC) 16
6.Tyler Phenuf (Sherbrooke, QC) 17

Open Bikini
1.Amelie Brisebois (Gatineau, QC) 4 New IDFA Pro
2.Sophie Berthiaume (Terrebonne, QC) 5
3.Emmanuelle Racine (Quebec, QC) 9
4.Lina Boucher (Orleans, ON) 12

Scoring is done by ranking each competitor. Ranking is done by comparing the physiques of each competitor of each class and ranking them from highest to lowest. The best competitor should be assigned a rank of 1, the next highest competitor should get a rank of 2, and so on.
The 4 judges scores are added, and the lowest total receives first place in the class. Second lowest total receives 2nd place, and so on. If a tie results, the competitor who was ranked highest among the tied competitors by a majority of all judges receives the highest placement.


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